Saturday, July 22, 2006

I've been blessed!

I've been blessed in many ways. So many ways that I might actually be able to really participate and post in a Thursday Thirteen. Eh, I could...but would I?

However, I'm only going to focus on a couple of blessings for this post.

1. I'm blessed to have a friend who was willing to take the time to purty up my blog.

2. I'm blessed to have a friend who not only is willing to purty up my blog but that jumped at the opportunity to nominate me to be blessed over at Heather's.

3. I'm blessed to have won (along with ALL the nominees) a blog makeover!

4. I'm blessed to have a brand new template made by the one and only Swank Mom!!!


Yeah - get out of bloglines and get over here so you can see how purty I am!!!

Name: Rebekah
Home: Kansas, United States
See my complete profile

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