Hence, I have created Toy Purgatory. Okay, here's the beauty of the system. Take the said item (our past items range from tape bubble gum containers, to macaroni art, to toys that annoy parents) and place them in said purgatory when child is not looking. I usually give items a few weeks in purgatory, but when the time comes (usually the morning of trash pick-up) if said item has not been requested or mentioned or missed...it's gone! Bwhahahahahaha!!! Should the item ever be in purgatory and child is looking for it...you say, "Hey, go check under your bed and in your room, I'll look around downstairs." Run, grab, then (as the heroic mother you are) holler out, "I've found it!!!" Saved the day again. Works for me. Check out other Works for Me entries at Shannon's.
I have been caught on more than one occasion "accidentally" having placed an "important" item in the trash. Yes, I get the how-could-you? look followed by a request to clean such item from the wet coffee grounds that it has been buried in. So, I give the how-on-earth-did-that-get-there? look back as I snag said little item and restore it. Nestled high above the little one's sight line, there rests a home for toys whose fate will soon be determined.
Love it!
Melissa, at 10:11 AM
Ooooooooh, you are so sneaky! I love it! I will totally be using this when Abigail is old enough for me to need it.
Have you ever been caught putting an item into purgatory, or taking it out? I would imagine that would put a damper on your Heroic Mother image.
Sarah, at 10:23 AM
Ha! Now if only I could put all the talking, singing, jumping, vibrating, and otherwise driving me crazy toys on top of my fridge - but wait, that would take up my whole kitchen..... ;)
Mama Duck, at 10:29 AM
A great idea! And I can see another hidden benefit: wait a couple of weeks. If your kids aren't even missing the annoying toy, it's probably safe to "eliminate" it altogether.
Bwhahahahaha!!! may quite possibly be the cutest written thing I've seen since I started blogging. So EVIL sounding! :-)
Barb, at 10:50 AM
I love this - especially your sneaky honesty!!
Tennessee Mama Duck, at 11:44 AM
LOVE it. I can't believe I didn't think of it. Well, I can't be expected to be this beautiful AND think of all the greatest ideas ever. ;)
I'll be implementing this when we return from vacation. Thanks for the tip!
Chilihead2, at 12:39 PM
This cracks me up! Great idea that I'll have to remember.
I posted a WFMW tip as well. Stop by and take a peek. :)
Overwhelmed!, at 9:00 PM
Thank God I am not the only one who has one of these!!!
Especially Heather, at 9:28 PM
Cute idea! I think I will employ this one with certain items.
Gabriela, at 9:52 PM
I'm so glad you posted this. Every mother needs to be aware of her options!! But I think why I love it so much is that you call it Toy Purgatory! Hee, hee!!!
Addie, at 10:21 PM
I think you should call it "Toygutory"
Ben, at 10:28 PM
Great idea!!! Love your blog
Angelena, at 7:35 AM
That is such a fantastic idea. We have dozens of iffy toys, and yet I can't bring myself to just straight-out toss them. I think this is the solution!
Beck, at 12:27 PM
Brilliant idea! Can it work with Mr. Right's stuff too?
Shalee, at 2:54 PM
OOoh I love it!!!!
Jenny, at 10:36 PM
That's just too funny. I love it.
Nancy Murphree Davis, at 7:21 PM
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