As I was getting ready to jump into bed last night, I shut down the computer and my husband turned off the bedside lamp. I fumbled my way in the dark and crawled into bed. I could feel a bump under my arm, and thinking it was one of Happy Girl's beads (don't we all find those in our beds?) and brushed under my arm...{shudder} was not hard like a bead...but...{shudder}...well, something crawl-y.
I quickly jumped up and turned my lamp on to see a nasty little black spider crawling on my sheets. {BIG SHUDDER!} Minus a leg - that I had unknowingly amputated that was laying steps behind it. {shudder} Just so you know...I really am shuddering as I type this.
Needless to say, I got very little sleep last night. I couldn't fall to sleep because I kept "feeling" like something was crawling on me. ALL.NIGHT.LONG! (This is where I hear Addie singing along to Lionel Richie)
Once I did sorta fall asleep, Happy Boy decided he should join us. So, I'm back awake and feeling crawlies. {shudder}
Again, all.night.long. If I did manage to nod off...yeah, my dreams would be of bugs.
I'm still getting creeped out about it today.
What? What is that you ask? Oh, what comfort did my husband bring last night at the point the spider had been disposed of and I kept getting shivers and not wanting to get back into bed?
"Hey, at least they don't travel in packs, ya know."
Ugh! I've had those nights! Yuck!
And, on behalf of all of blogdom, Thank You Very Much, for sticking THAT song in our heads! ;-)
Addie, at 10:26 AM
Sarah, I'm with you! I hate spiders...unfortunately, in the country, we have a lot of them around our house this time of year.
Addie, at least it beats the "I like big butts" that Rebekah had in her head earlier this week (Sir Mix a Lot, by the way)...she confessed that one on the "other" Sarah's blog!
Melissa, at 11:07 AM
Man, that Brian! He's a real stud.
...I'm so glad he saved the day.
didlake, at 11:10 AM
YUCK! I hate spiders... I feel all crawly right now just from reading it! Love the look of your site! Nice makeover! :)
Courtney, at 11:28 AM
Song's running around in my head, too. Thanks for that.
See. MY husband would have been out of that bed because I'd have been tearing off the sheets, shaking the daylights out of everything and running for the Raid. Blech.
Barb, at 11:31 AM
Creepy crawlies....eew. Not helping with this phobia I seem to be developing of spiders. LOL! May your bed be soft, warm and inviting and free of unwanted guests tonight!
sarahgrace, at 11:40 AM
I don't think I'd be able to sleep either. Yuck.
Heather Hansen, at 11:54 AM
I had one crawl over my face one night and it woke me up. I was screaming and flailing. Husband looked over and asked what the problem was. When I told him he mumbled something (something very supportive, I'm sure) and went back to sleep leaving me with the creepy crawlies.
Chilihead2, at 4:39 PM
Ewww.....I'm shuddering too. I hope I'm not thinking about that tonight as I go to bed!! Thanks...not!
Anonymous, at 5:35 PM
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