Sunday, July 23, 2006

Captivating Chapter 6

Like chapter 5, I don't have much to say regarding this chapter. I'm not sure if I'm not as connected to/moved by these chapters because I've read the book previously? My husband joined a group who studied Wild At Heart and that book spoke of similar wounds and healing - just geared toward men. Maybe I sort of feel like I've already been here, I'm not sure. So, I guess I'll just point out a couple of items that I found of interest.

1. "It might come as a surprise that Christ asks our permission to come in and heal, but he is kind, and the door is shut from the inside, and healing never comes against our will."

I like this statement, because all too often we forget to take to Christ our wounds and ask him for help. The world sees this truth. Most "anonymous" groups have programs with steps and usually the first step is to recognize you have a problem. Yeah, taken straight from the word of God. I think God does desire us to first recognize the problem and realize that we can't heal ourselves, we need him and we need to let him know that we have seen the wound and need him to heal it. After I had written this post, I started to read my fellow book study friends blog and Heather made a good point. This will only happen if you have first invited and received him into your heart. Then you can ask him and invite him to heal you.

2. "Forgiveness is a choice. It is not a feeling..."

So often I do feel like in offering forgiveness I am saying I'm okay or it's okay, when that is not what forgiveness is. Forgiveness is not about saying it's okay you hurt me, it's about saying...I'm moving on. How Stasi put it: "I release you. I give you to God."

Name: Rebekah
Home: Kansas, United States
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