Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Summer Fun

This summer has shot off with a huge bang! It has been a whirlwind of fun.

Last week the kiddos began swim lessons, Monday thru Thursday every night for 2 weeks. They have done such a great job! They have improved significantly since they began. Tomorrow will be there last lesson. And I don't have a picture yet...can you believe it?!! I'm planning to take my camera for the last lesson and try to photograph it.

Last Saturday we headed to Worlds of Fun compliments of my hubby's employer. Here I am with the kiddos in our "banana" shirts. heh. They were compliments of the employer as well.

Then yesterday we visited the KC Zoo with our favorite people in the world. My niece and nephew were there, Moe and Curly, and all the Spice Girls. It was fun! Here are a couple of pics of that fun:

Finally, today began our SBO Jr. This is a vacation Bible school that my church offers for preschoolers thru kindergarteners. I'm helping teach in Happy Boy's class. Happy Girl is volunteering this week and helping lead the worship segment along with being a classroom helper with me.

Last week also began a summer study that I'm leading for my church's women's ministry. I'm teaching a basic course on How to Study the Bible. It has been a great opportunity to meet some of the women at Grace that I don't know so well and also has sparked Happy Girl's interest in studying the Bible. She may even be joining me in one of the classes - we'll see how it goes.

So, that in a nutshell is what has been spinning around at the Happy Home so far this summer. We're off to a great start!!!

Name: Rebekah
Home: Kansas, United States
See my complete profile

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