My little world has been spinning busily these past few months. Here is another update on various stuff. Labels: family, Happy Boy, Happy Girl
Happy Girl could not have done a better job with her performance in the talent show. You may recall our dicussions on how proud we were that she even had the guts to audition here and then how thrilled we were when she actually made it into the show here. So, the day of the show was not without its intensity!
The drama began to brew the previous day when my mother called and said that her and my father had to be back on the other side of town by 10:30 a.m. for some commitments. (Side note: My parents are the best grandparents ever and they put a lot of effort and sacrifice to support our children in their school and extra curricular activities. We love them for that!) So, I told them they hadn't given a schedule of events and I had no idea when she would be performing. I told them it wasn't worth the risk of driving over here only for them to have to leave without seeing the performance. They live about 40 min. from us and were willing to drive through the morning rush hour traffic just to maybe have the chance to see her. I told you they were awesome!
So, the morning of...
Okay, I'm a bit dramatic - but it's not too far from reality.
Without going into a long drawn out boring parents were literally standing by the door ready to leave when she finally had her turn. And she did GREAT!
Here's a glimpse:(no comments on the stability of the camera - I was sitting next to a four-year-old boy...nuf said.)
We had a great celebration this Memorial Day weekend. Not only is it a blessing to know that my Grandfather contributed to our nation by serving time with the Merchant Marines and the Army - which we celebrate when we gather on Memorial Day. But, it also happend to be his birthday on Sunday so Monday we had a great party to celebrate with friends and family.
My dad posted a great pic of him here.
And here he is when he was a merchant seaman. He's working on starting a blog, hopefully soon. But in the mean time you can check out his awesome ministry here.
Okay, I think I've officially crammed in the most links ever in this post.
Sporty and I watched the video this afternoon and think she did GREAT!
Addie, at 2:38 PM
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