's a snow day and my work has slowed down enough for me to actually post!
We recently aquired a Play Station and for Christmas my daughter got a Game Boy.
I keep melding the two games' names in a not so good way...
Game Station...not so bad.
P!@y B%y...not so good.
People, I can not for the life of me get these straight! I HAVE to stop and think very hard before speaking of either.
Tonight I actually told my son, "Yes, you can play the P!ay B@y." As soon as I heard what came out of my mouth it was all I could do to keep from laughing.
Good grief.
hee, hee! Next thing you know he'll be telling his teachers ALL about his fun games at home.
Addie, at 10:01 PM
Yeah, THAT would be a good one to have to explain to his teachers and his friends at church.
Shalee, at 9:46 AM
ha! They're growing up faster than you think!
Heather Hansen, at 2:15 AM
Oh my. And Addie's comment cracked me up. Careful, now. :-)
Barb, at 1:25 PM
When I was in high school we had a burger place name Fuddruckers that we all frequented. Now being the hs kids we were, we often, on purpose, called it Rudd____ers. I know, so bad. Unfortunately it spilled over when T and went there for lunch one day after church! Yes, I was blushing and apologizing out my wazoo.
Robin, at 7:32 PM
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