Happy Boy is constantly amusing me with his great business ideas. If ever there were a person desiring a get rich quick scheme, it's him. Instead of a lemonade stand, which is so yesterday, he decides to open a carnival. Complete with games tickets and redemption toy table.
He's mentioned his desire to open up a St@r W@rs museum using all of his action figures and toys and charge children to come and view it.
The Poop School, it will help mother's potty train their children. There will be several rooms with toilets, and he will sell food and drinks to mom's so kids will have to poop and pee and they can teach them there.
And, of course, Happy Boy's Fun Place. He plans to set up his room with all of his toys and charge kids to come in and play. I ask, "What's the charge?" "Maybe $5," he says, "Here's the fing (aka thing), they can come in, I'll let them play with what ever they want, as long as they want and they don't have to clean. Just like Chuck E. Cheese!" If I could, I would insert a sparkly gleam shinning off of his one front toof.
Happy Hubby took pity on the poor fool and decided to help him open up his own web store. Ladies and Gentlemen I bring you ST@R W@RS LAND! Ta da! If you are in need to shop for a St@r W@rs fan this is the place, and you'll be supporting a budding entrepreneur.
Before I leave I give you a couple of Happy Boy's quotable quotes:
"That stupid garlic!" Said while fixing his hair. I'm sure he meant cow lick.
"Shorts are dumb and stupid!" We don't use that "s" word in our house so you can most definitely see his disdain for shorts.
"Do you know what the best part of being a human is? You can scream as loud as you want inside of your head."
"I can see your brains." Yeah, it took several months to unravel this deep and highly disturbing insight. Happy Boy claimed to see everyone's brains and would continue to describe them in detail. He said they were blue and wiggly...which is so true. We finally found out he meant veins, the ones on peoples temples. Heh.
Have a great weekend!
Here's the fing ... he CRACKS me up! One day he'll be the one laughing, from his big and fancy stucco home! ;-)
Addie, at 8:55 PM
The picture of Happy Boy on the top corner of his site -- BRILLIANT.
Heather Hansen, at 10:21 PM
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