My son is in soccer camp this week. Just an hour each morning. Unfortunately, he doesn't like it.
How do I know he doesn't like it? I think he gave it away when he came running off the field mid-game and said, "I'm done."
When I encouraged him to run back out and join his team he punctuated his personal view point by facing me (and all the other parents who were sitting on the bleachers) and screaming at the top of his lungs, "This is so BO-RING!" Yes, folks. Not just once, but three times.
Are you sure you're reading his signals correctly? At least you know that he is not struggling in the communication department! :-)
I just love that boy!!!
Addie, at 12:15 PM
Sorry, I found that funny....only because I can relate. At least you were brave enough to give him the chance. Look at it that way. :)
Anonymous, at 4:19 PM
I can so relate! Its nice to know that my daughter isnt the only one that uses that phrase.... more than once!
Especially Heather, at 7:22 PM
Well, kudos! You have obviously been doing a good job teaching him to tell the truth. Ha! One of my biggest lessons lately with my kids is to teach them to talk softly, even when they are upset or excited. It is really a hard habit to start it seems. One of my girls I think has a hearing problem, which causes her to talk LOUDLY. But it a habit now. And with the others also. Some kids do this naturally, mine missed that class up in heaven or something! Tell your son to hang in there!!!
Nicole, at 7:50 PM
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